Sept 1st Newsletter
Kathryn Russell
Sep 1, 2023
A Tale of Three Sisters
My Mom, Clara Russell, grew up in a family of six children: three boys and three girls. Mom ended up being the center of the extended family after her parents died when she and her siblings ranged in age from adolescence through their early 20’s. All pivotal celebrations and seasonal dinners were held at our house.
Neither of my Aunts had a daughter, and Mom was generous in sharing me with each of them. School and Summer vacations were spent with each Aunt. I had active written correspondence and regular phone conversations with both Aunts throughout each year over the years. All three of these strong women shaped my professional and civic identities, and my character.
Mom was closest to her sister Emma - - Emy Marvin, who married Uncle Marv of Deep River. Those of you of a certain age may remember Emy and her dedication to the Town. She worked tirelessly and generously as a volunteer on multiple projects including the Town Hall Renovation and the Deep River Rotary and the Soroptimists. A committed Republican, she became a civic leader as a widow in her 70’s. She served as Deep River’s Second Selectwoman (twice, and once as Third Selectwoman) and was a joyful sight marching down Main Street in her high heels each Muster. Her whiskey cake and “rollups” are fondly remembered by a generation of our volunteer firemen.
Mom’s oldest sister - - Matilda Nusbaum, lived in Chicago and retired from her professional career once her son was born. She held leadership roles in the PTA, volunteered at the local Senior Center well into her 70’s, was a staunch Democrat, and worked at the polls almost every election. She was the intellectual leader in our family, constantly reading and learning, and eager to share her strong opinions on almost every subject.
Clara was a working Mom. I actually never knew as a child if she were a Democrat or a Republican. She made her decisions based on issues and on the character of the individual. She considered her opinion to be a private matter. What I did know was that as a first-generation American, she cherished her right to vote, and voted faithfully in every election, with her three kids in tow.
I am comfortable working across party lines, and believe in working for the common good of Deep River with my neighbors who may be Democrats, Republicans, Unaffiliated, uninterested, or totally turned off by the state of politics in our country today. As First Selectwoman, I promise to keep an open mind regardless of political affiliation, and will always put Deep River first.
Thank you for your continued interest and support of my campaign.
Warm regards,